woensdag 26 augustus 2009

Boek te koop

Mijn uitgever is bezig om te kijken of het buitenland geinteresseerd is om de rechten voor een vertaling van mijn boek te kopen! Wow, en nu maar hopen... Onderstaand de ''advertentie''

I trust U
Managing with trust
1st Edition
Tica Peeman

Tica Peeman is a specialist in organisations and has been the owner/director of her training company VIStrainingen since 2000. In 2005, she published her first book, entitled Heb LEF, durf te veranderen! [Have a heart, dare to change!].

Trust is THE keyword if you want to build innovative, flexible and
inspiring organisations in which employees are able to flourish and to
which they want to belong. It requires a very different way of
organising, managing and communicating. Many organisations are
not ready for this. It is to address this problem that Tica Peeman
explains in this book how a (middle) manager, supervisor or consultant
can transform your company in this regard. She describes in practical
and enthusiastic terms how you can take trust as your starting point in
order to achieve a new organisation: an organisation based on trust.

• Addresses a popular topic
• Practical and to-the-point
• Fluidly written and comprehensible
February 2009 216 pp 9789043017183
Pearson Benelux

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